The Power in Simplifying the Gospel

It can take years for someone to finally “get it”!
I was 21 when I finally got it. I went to church from the time I was a baby until I was about 11 or 12. My grandpa was a preacher. And my grandparents prayed over me my entire life. There were little seeds planted throughout my life that, with time, grew into a fully bloomed life with Jesus.
I think it can take time to understand what God did for you and just how amazing He is! Even after you are saved, you don’t have to know all things and life surely won’t be easy! But, having Jesus as a foundation through all of life’s battles is monumental!
Then, there are some people who just get it! My three sons are great examples of this! I feel so incredibly blessed to know that three (out of 5) of my children have asked Jesus to be their Lord and savior! They want to live a life with Him! They fully understand what it means and have declared that they want salvation in Jesus! They have all publicly shared their faith with believers and non-believers alike! They share the gospel with people they meet! They are doing what God has commanded them to do! Go out and love others..and teach others about God’s love for them!
Today we got to baptize our third son, and I have to tell you.. it was everything I dreamed it would be! Quentin is so full of joy! He radiates goodness and love! And from the moment that he got out of that water, he hasn’t stopped saying, “I’m so happy I got baptized! I want people to know that I love Jesus!”

See, you guys.. it’s simple, really! There is a message to spread to people! The Good News! The Gospel! God has a plan for all of those who love him! And it is to share His love with everyone! I feel like so many religions, denominations, and ignorant people complicate the gospel! I wanted to share some words we use with our kids..(and anyone else who wants to listen) to explain salvation! Our job as Christians isn’t to grow a certain church, or to do things that most people agree with. It is simply to spread the good news for all to hear!
Here are some simple words to say:
- God created everything!
- We all sin and need a savior!
- Jesus died on a cross and rose again three days later to save us from our sins!
- Jesus wants to give us the gift of salvation!
- All you have to do is accept the gift!
- Declare that Jesus is Lord and that you need a savior!
If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved. As Scripture says, “Anyone who believes in him will never be put to shame.” For there is no difference between Jew and Gentile—the same Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses all who call on him, for, “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”
Romans 10:9-13
My goal here is not to get praise. My goal is to help others share the good news! Stop complicating things! Keep it simple! So simple that a kid can get it!! Because, let me tell you! Seeing someone that you love understand and fully acknowledge God’s plan for their life is priceless! All glory to God for guiding us as parents and giving us the words to say so that our kiddos know the uncomplicated truth! ❤️